
I have found a new website that I am really excited about! Wordwall.net

You can search for other user created content that they have made public and you get to make 5 free activities of your own. After that you have to pay for the program on this website. It is 6 or 9 dollars a month and you can create unlimited resources with both plans. Basically it allows you to create really fun interactive games with just a few words, click create, and ta da! It took me literally a minute to create my first activity, subordinating conjunction category sort.

I made my first (of my 5 free) activities here:


You can see more about the categories or relationships for Subordinating conjunctions in these quizlet card sets that I made:

I really love the group sort and the unjumble game. I can see using group sort to sort categories, phonics sounds, and any number of speech or language targets! Doing sorts is a research based learning strategy and this webpage makes it so easy! Unjumble is where you put mixed up sentences in order- wonderful for syntax goals in language therapy.

I made another word sort. This time sort types of answers to WH questions. As you play and sort tell whether the answer is a person, thing or thing you do, place, time, or reason answer. (hit the 4 arrows on the bottom right to go full screen so you can read all the cards.

Look at all these interactive games you can make:

I am definitely going to be exploring this website more and seriously considering upgrading for 6 dollars a month too. 

Are any of you using wordwall for speech and language therapy?

Michelle Coyle MS CCC/SLP


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