I blogged about Super Spinners about a month ago. Since then, I have made more spinners and wanted to share them with you. Also since this is a website, it would be great to share/send to students if you need to do some "distance learning." If your school district is moving to online learning, you should be able to pull up spinners in whatever platform you are using (google classroom, zoom, etc) and get lots of speech/language practice. I am going to write another blog with a list of all of my online interactive suggestions with links as well so they are all in one place.
Name Items in a Category
Name a Category
Early Elementary Synonyms 1 (Possible answers starting from huge and going around clockwise: big, mad, bad, start, under, buy, pick, join, dirt)
Early Elementary Synonyms 2 (Possible answers starting from locate: find, easy, same, get, copy, smart, quiet, right, rich, save)
Later Elementary Synonyms (Answers starting from accomplish: achieve, answer, opposite, choose, gather, finish, danger, empty, guess, job)
Basic Antonyms
Antonym Spinner 1 (Answers starting from near: far, worst, old, thick, wide, smooth, less, last, right, hard or difficult)
Antonyms Spinner 2 (Answers starting from remember: forget, answer, ignore, west, odd, backward, least, bent, tight, whole)
Those are some examples of how to use the spinner for language therapy targets such as name a category/ items in a category and name synonyms or antonyms.
I showed you an /L/ spinner in my previous post. I still think the best way to make articulation spinners is to have your kids tell you the words and you type them OR with a wireless keyboard- let the kids type the words and make their own spinners. This gets them saying target sounds without them even realizing for one practice time. Then as you spin the wheel and students say the word they land on, make a sentence with the word, spin it twice and make a sentence with both words, they practice it more. Customizing the spinners are super easy.
Anyway, I think that is the best way to use the spinner for speech therapy, but I will share a few my kids have made as well.
Beginning R
Vocalic R (air, ear, ire, or, ar)
/er/ Words
/L/ all positions
/S/ all positions (Example of a sentence when you spin twice: Her room was messy because she had socks all over the floor.)
/TH/ all positions
I hope you have fun Speech Spinnin'!
Ms. Coyle MS CCC/SLP
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