Youtube has a LOT of content so I have compiled my favorite channels and links and organized them into categories so you can easily find a video that fits your speech and language therapy goals. I love to Sing!! and sometimes singing words and concepts with the right side of our brain helps us to be able to say those same words with the left side of our brain. Do you have some favorite videos or channels that I don't have below? Please leave a comment and tell me about them!

Youtube Channels: 

Books/ Read Aloud Channels:

Books I Love: 

Temporal (Time)



Simple Vocabulary/ Categories/ Functions:

Social Skills:

Ms. Coyle MS CCC/SLP


     I first wrote about edpuzzle, HERE. Edpuzzle is a cool website that lets you embed content into videos such as quizzes or information. I used the book, Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson to create a guided speech therapy session targeted on the /sh/ sound. It is public so anyone can use this resource that I created for free. 

     I love this book because it does have a LOT of great /sh/ practice, but it is also a wonderful story of friendship. I embedded 10 content stops into the video for lots of great literacy based /sh/ practice. You can access the video, HERE

     While I love edpuzzle, I don't love the limitations. You can only create 20 videos for free. However, they have a great referral system that works for BOTH people. If you sign up for edpuzzle with my link, YOU get three extra videos and so do I, so please use my link to sign up so we both benefit. 

Please check out Edpuzzle Here:

Here is my own Edpuzzle Channel that I will post all of my videos on:
Ms. Coyle's Edpuzzle Channel

I hope you enjoy using this video in your next /sh/ speech therapy session!

Michelle Coyle MS CCC/SLP


       Hi everyone! I can't believe it has been since the middle of March since I have posted. That was my Spring Break and during that week, my (and everyone else's) normal was adjusted. I had no idea when I left my school for Spring Break that I would not be going back at all for the 2020 SY. Very quickly it became apparent that I was going to have to adjust very quickly to reaching my students in a completely new way. Prior to March 2020, I didn't even know what Zoom was and on March 30, 2020- I started full time teletherapy with a little over half of my caseload. The learning curve was steep! Thankfully, I was already pretty "digital" and had incorporated digital materials into my therapy. I posted about that in mid-March, my last blog post. Then, I started working 16-20 hour days to 1) learn the technology, 2) make the schedule, 3) communicate with families, 4) and make more digital materials. So, everything else including my blog, went on the backburner as I and all of you adjusted to our new normal.

        Not only did I not know what Zoom was, I had also never heard of Boom cards prior to Covid-19. As I researched interactive digital materials, I kept coming across Boom. Now I suppose I had seen them on teachers pay teachers, but I did not understand what they were and therefore had not used them. Once I started to try to learn about them, I fell in love with Boom Learning pretty immediately. They are fun, engaging, and interactive. I also fell in love with them because I realized pretty quickly Boom was what I was MISSING in my life.

        Now to fully understand, you need a little bit of background knowledge. About 20 years ago, in the dark ages of video games, clothing/ skins/ accessories for video game characters were largely two dimensional painted graphic art made in programs like Photoshop. (In contrast today, they are three dimensional built items). Without geeking out too much and getting too technical, I used to paint items for video games and sold them. I made a few hundred dollars a month for about 10 years (2000-2010) from this freelance graphic design. It was a hobby that I turned into a very small side business and let me be creative and artistic. Then suddenly video games changed and the items needed were now 3D constructs made in programs like blender (which I tried and just failed at miserably. It was just not for me). So for 10 years, I painted digital art in Photoshop, making realistic items for video games. Then, that creative outlet was just gone as technology changed.

        Ok, enough of my geeky technobabble side. The reason I realized Boom was the missing link in my life was that I COULD PAINT 2D things in PHOTOSHOP and use them in my BOOM card decks!!! I have not been this excited about something in a while and I started furiously making my own boom decks. My decks are a combination of things I paint and make in photoshop (my own digital art), free to use commercial pictures, and a combination of the two that I manipulate in photoshop to make exactly what I want for the speech or language targets in my Boom decks.

        I launched my own Boom Learning store: Coyle's Communication and I have been HAVING SO MUCH FUN making boom cards!! At the time of writing this, I have published about 60 decks and 5 of them are FREE. Please go look at my store and  join boom, please use my referral link: SIGN UP FOR BOOM LEARNING HERE PLEASE If you are not going to make your own decks to sell, then you can just get a FREE boom account so that you can start collecting boom decks- MANY of which are totally FREE!! That is right- get a free account and then search for and get tons of totally FREE, engaging, interactive therapy materials.

        This is what I needed for so many reasons. This is a really stressful time and graphic art relaxes me and makes me happy. When I can combine that with my geeky speechie nerd self, it is just making me SO HAPPY! I love being a speech language therapist, making speech materials, reading about, and talking about speech!

         Whether you are working face to face in a clinic, school, rehab (ect) or continuing with teletherapy, YOU NEED BOOM CARDS IN YOUR LIFE! I can't stress that enough. They are so much fun and can be easily used with a tablet or laptop in face to face therapy or shared via your teletherapy platform like Zoom. I have just interspersed a few examples of some of my Boom decks in this blog post. You can click on any of the pictures to go look at them in my Boom store.

       Have you guys used Boom decks in your speech and language therapy? Let me know in the comments!

Ms. Coyle MS CCC/SLP

        I just tested out my own meeting room through Zoom. The above picture is one of the many Match the Memory games that I have made. This one targets basic position concepts. You can share your screen, your sound, and give control over to the client so they can take a turn and it actually makes the therapy interactive! You can write or draw directly on the computer screen (as I did above) and then clear it. I know Zoom is a platform used by some SLP's to do teletherapy although I have no experience with that myself. I wanted to see how it worked. I have watched some informational videos to learn a little bit about teletherapy and I have been intrigued about possibly doing some myself during school breaks, such as summer. Now that I have tried out Zoom, I am even more interested.

        My sweet hubby helped me out and I was able to do a few interactive speechie games with him via the platform. All of the sudden something that seemed abstract and unknown now seems obvious and efficient. I "got" it! I have already moved many of the traditional laminated paper/velcro therapy materials to  digital platforms- not for teletherapy but just my normal face to face practice. Interactive technology allows me to do more therapy targets and keeps my students engaged so I have been using it more and more in lieu of my traditional items and card sets. I even find incentive games to be SO much easier online. I use a snakes and ladder (like chutes and ladders) digital game (and a few others too) as reinforcement in my therapy sessions and it would be SO easy to use that in virtual therapy. My kids work harder and I can do more because I eliminate the time it takes to manipulate the game pieces and set them up/put them away. Digital therapy materials and reinforcement games are faster and I get more targets per session. Quite simply they make me more efficient and effective.

        So in these uncertain times if you are getting homework packets together for students and/or moving to deliver services online, consider giving your students a list of links that they can use to practice their targets at home. Just in case you want to do that, I am making a list below of all the online therapy resources I have created myself. These could be given to parents for home practice and included in your home packets and/or used in teletherapy. I think kids would like online practice opportunities!

5 Online Resources That You Should NOT Miss If You Are An SLP!

1) Interactive Sites for Speech and Language Therapy- this is your first stop. It is the most comprehensive list of online interactive therapy materials that I have ever seen. It is organized by topic to make it easy to find the online materials that would work for your students. This resource is MASSIVE. It is organized like this starting at the top and each of these main headings is all caps and highlighted in yellow:

  • Informal assessment
  • Language and Vocabulary (pink highlighter sub-categories such as categories, basic concepts, etc),
  • Comprehension and Higher Level Skills (such as main idea and inference)
  • Grammar and Syntax (with blue highlighter sub-categories such as mad libs, verb tense, etc)
  • Morphology
  • Articulation
  • Social Skills
  • Phonological Awareness and Phonics
  • Language Through Literacy (26 Online FREE Book sites)
  • Incentive Games

2) Match the Memory Articulation and Language Games- These two blog posts give you an abundant memory game resource with so many therapy targets for both speech and language. The speech post is organized by sounds or sound processes (at the bottom) and the language post is organized by topic.

3) Quizlet- This seemed like a no-brainer for me. I have been using card decks in therapy for years. Quizlet card decks talk, read text for the students, are interactive when a kid clicks it to turn the card over, and lets you add visuals easily. So to me Quizlet cards for therapy are just the updated 2020 version of what I have been using for 20 years. To date, I have made over 250 card decks covering a variety of speech and language goals. I have 14 folders that have it all neatly organized by topic and skill level to make finding a card set that matches your client's goals a snap. Some of my card sets are password protected and access can be purchased as part of some of my TpT products. Most can be accessed by anyone, however.

4) Wordwall (Blog)- This is a much newer resource and I don't have a lot made here...YET. I am going to be making more though, I have the next two weeks off work and I am basically self-quarantined at home because I am well and I want to stay that way. So, expect lots of new interactive therapy materials to be made. Anyway, I just paid for a subscription and am going to be making a lot of activities.

5) Super Spinners- I am not sure about this for independent practice or not, but it could definitely be used by you for online learning.

Language Through Literacy- As I said, my interactive sites resource is massive. Don't overlook the list of 26 FREE online book sites that you can give parents to read with or have their kids read. It is pretty far down the page. Maybe that list with some tips on how to stop and  talk about the story and ask questions about the book would be a great idea.

        I hope that helps liven up your online sessions and /or get your kids motivated about doing speech therapy homework!

Ms. Coyle MS CCC/SLP

        I first blogged about Wordwall about 5 months ago, HERE. I made my 5 free activities and then I tried to upgrade for $6 a month, but my debit card would not work. I tried emailing for help and the answer was that I could buy a years subscription as a "single" school user and then they would take my bank information. They did not have a way for me to call and subscribe over the phone. This honestly made me just say, welp, forget that. I have a lot of other places I can make interactive things. I did not want to do a whole year. I wanted to try it for one month for only six dollars first before I committed to a longer subscription.

        Quite simply, I gave up. I only had a debit card because I have been trying to get out of debt and live within my means for most of my adult life. I recently got a pretty low interest credit card just because my debit card just does not always work, especially online or when traveling. Now that I am full on adulting and my credit score is healthy, I got a credit card just for peace of mind mostly. I decided to try it on Wordwall- and it worked instantly.

So now I have a month to make activities! I am super excited about group sort, missing word (which is basically cloze sentences), and unjumble.

You can find all of the activities I have created and will create on MY PROFILE PAGE and I have some below as well. 

Subject Pronouns Cloze

Object Pronouns Cloze

Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Cloze

WH Question Answers 2

WH Question Answers

Subordinating Conjunction Category Sort

Infer Feelings from Character Text

UNJUMBLE (mixed up sentences)
Mixed up Simple Sentences (4-8 words) with Pronoun targets

Present is/are Verb+ing (5-7 words)

Mixed up Compound Sentences

Regular Past Tense Sentences (5-7 words) (/t, d, ed/ mixed)

Irregular Past Tense Verb Sentences (7-9 words)

OPEN THE BOX  (or Woozle Games as I call them)

/k/ words all Positions Woozle game

        FIND THE WOOZLE- Ok I was not sure what to do with Open the Box and then I got an idea, a wonderful idea. I knew from experience that simply putting picture cards in a brown paper bag and pulling them out for some reason makes an engaging, fun therapy activity that kids love. I don't get it, but I appreciate the simplicity. So, I knew that things hidden in boxes had to be something I could use. So, I created a game with it! I am calling it, Find the Woozle. Basically, students will pick a number or click on a box and then say the word with their target sound. Each word has a number after it- this is points for a game. If the child says the word correctly or uses it in a sentence (whatever your target level), then they get the points. The words are worth 1 to 5 points, but finding the WOOZLE is worth 10 points- plus it's just fun to be searching for something while you play. The person with the most points, wins. So, that is what Open the Box wordwall activities are for me, why the words have numbers, and why they all have a WOOZLE mixed in.

/r/ words initial position Woozle Game

R-blends Woozle Game

Vocalic R Woozle Game

        Ok, that is a good start. I am going to be making a lot more interactive activities over the next month and you can find them on my Wordwall profile page.

        You can use these in speech and language therapy with a laptop or iPad. I have a projector and a wireless mouse that my kids use to play interactive games that I make in my therapy room. They enjoy playing and talking and I enjoy their engagement while they learn!

If you are doing online learning and/or teletherapy- this should work well!

Has anyone else used interactive Wordwall for speech and language therapy?

Ms. Coyle MS CCC/SLP

        I blogged about Super Spinners about a month ago. Since then, I have made more spinners and wanted to share them with you. Also since this is a website, it would be great to share/send to students if you need to do some "distance learning." If your school district is moving to online learning, you should be able to pull up spinners in whatever platform you are using (google classroom, zoom, etc) and get lots of speech/language practice. I am going to write another blog with a list of all of my online interactive suggestions with links as well so they are all in one place.

Name Items in a Category

Name a Category

Early Elementary Synonyms 1  (Possible answers starting from huge and going around clockwise: big, mad, bad, start, under, buy, pick, join, dirt)

Early Elementary Synonyms 2 (Possible answers starting from locate: find, easy, same, get, copy, smart, quiet, right, rich, save)

Later Elementary Synonyms  (Answers starting from accomplish: achieve, answer, opposite, choose, gather, finish, danger, empty, guess, job)

Basic Antonyms

Antonym Spinner 1 (Answers starting from near: far, worst, old, thick, wide, smooth, less, last, right, hard or difficult)

Antonyms Spinner 2 (Answers starting from remember: forget, answer, ignore, west, odd, backward, least, bent, tight, whole)

      Those are some examples of how to use the spinner for language therapy targets such as name a category/ items in a category and name synonyms or antonyms.

        I showed you an /L/ spinner in my previous post. I still think the best way to make articulation spinners is to have your kids tell you the words and you type them OR with a wireless keyboard- let the kids type the words and make their own spinners. This gets them saying target sounds without them even realizing for one practice time. Then as you spin the wheel and students say the word they land on, make a sentence with the word, spin it twice and make a sentence with both words, they practice it more. Customizing the spinners are super easy.

Anyway, I think that is the best way to use the spinner for speech therapy, but I will share a few my kids have made as well.

Beginning R

Vocalic R (air, ear, ire, or, ar)

/er/ Words

/L/ all positions

/S/ all positions (Example of a sentence when you spin twice: Her room was messy because she had socks all over the floor.)

/TH/ all positions

I hope you have fun Speech Spinnin'!

Ms. Coyle MS CCC/SLP

        I just drew my own logo in photoshop and I LOVE it! I drew it on paper first and wasn't sure if I was going to be able to draw it myself or not, but I did! My last name is Coyle which sounds like coil. So I drew a cute animated coil with a face. The parts of the coil also look like the letter C. So they also serve as the first letter of both Coyle's and Communication, since my blog and TpT teacher store name are Coyle's Communication. I love the play on words with the homonym of my name, coil, and the visual of the coil also serving as the Capital C's in both words. Homonym and alliteration for an SLP- loving it!

        I came up with the idea, drew it on paper, then drew it in photoshop- all by myself. The font is a free for Commercial Use font, Lobster. Lobster is one of my all time favorite "script" fonts. The colors are my three favorite colors in this order: pink, purple, and teal! 

        So what do you think of my new logo? Cute?

        I just posted a new FREE resource on my TpT Store,
Coyle's Communication.

  Follow me!

This resource is designed for a student that has difficulty formulating questions. It uses the WH Question Picture Cue Therapy Program cues, which I would suggest investing in so you know how to teach the picture cues that are included. I am providing this resource free for a limited time to showcase my work and show how useful my WH picture cues can be. I have made a lot of materials with the cues and will be uploading more in my BOOM store soon. I hope you enjoy this FREE example resource!
* Answering Questions
* Asking Questions
* Grammatically correct utterances
* Sentence/Question Formulation

Go check out this free resource and please let me know what you think!

**UPDATE: My WH picture Cue Therapy Program is now a fully digital, interactive program on Boom Learning, Here:

Ms. Coyle MS CCC/SLP
        Do your language impaired students mix up WH question words? Do they answer them with the wrong type of answer that does not match what you asked? Do they read them incorrectly and mix them all up when they read? Yes? Then keep reading!

         I really believe in using pictures to teach the WH question words as if each one is a vocabulary word. I have drawn my own set that I use with my students. These REALLY help them answer and ask questions! It teaches them HOW to comprehend and not just practice doing it (without much success). I wish I had published research to show you, but I don't (yet). I do have my own clinical practice evidence of twenty years that I have spent making this program and the thousands of children it has made a significant difference in their comprehension. The program is grounded in evidence based practice ideas however: it is visual, picture based visual supports, and color coded. Both ideas have lots of research behind them as positive intervention strategies for language impaired children.

      Here is how you teach WH words, explicitly, step by step, so that language-impaired children never mix them up again. First you Teach each WH picture cue separately. I have written an in depth therapy program to teach you exactly how to do that with lots of visuals and explicit teaching directions. You can get that in my TpT store, WH QUESTIONS THERAPY PROGRAM, for only 3.00. This will give you all the picture cues and visuals that you can print out and lots of ideas for how to teach them- BUT it is just a framework- it gives you ideas of activities that you can make on your own. If you want things that you can print and see and want to make your own materials, this paper based print option is for you.

          If you are more digital and want ready to go materials made for you, My WH Questions Therapy program is now a fully digital, interactive Boom program in seven boom decks: This comprehensive program will give you everything you need to teach your students how to comprehend WH questions.

Here is a  VIDEO  of all my WH cues with an added multiple-choice quiz that I made with Edpuzzle.

Ms. Coyle MS CCC/SLP

        I put my first thing in my Teachers Pay Teacher's store, Coyle's Communication! It is a Hands-On activity to work on following multi-step complex directions and inference. My students really love this activity and I have used it for both speech and language goals. I really made it for language students, but they loved it so much that I have used it with many students (3rd-5th grade). You can go look at the Inference Riddle Book Activity HERE. 

18 step detailed instructions (to print for students)
22 Full color pictures to explain the instructions (meant to be looked at and not printed).
Over 20 Example full - color pictures (also to look at)
Teaching Explanation/ Lesson Plan
6 POSSIBLE GOALS this activity could be used for:
1) Student will follow complex multi-step directions from text.
2) Student will follow directions with multiple linguistic concepts (center, each, words with a prefix (unfold), comparatives/superlatives (longest, shorter), nouns with multiple modifiers (short, one-eraser length part), ordinal numbers, complex sentences, and high level vocabulary (vague).
3) Student will show understanding of simple inference from pictures and low-level text.
4) Student will ask appropriate, detailed questions.
5) Student will work cooperatively in a group, asking questions as needed, and using appropriate words instead of getting frustrated.
6) SPEECH: Student will use target sound in conversation when presenting a project.

Ms. Coyle MS CCC/SLP

        Super Teacher Tools has a variety of online interactive tools available to use. I am highlighting the spinner today: Super Speech Spinner Activities

      In the above picture, I made a /l/ all positions spinner: I had my students tell me words to put on the spinner (thus practising their target words once). Then they took turns spinning and making a sentence with the word they spun. Then we did a round where they spun twice and had to incorporate two words into the sentence they made. Pretty simple, but my kids enjoyed the activity and I can visualize using it in a variety of ways for both speech and language targets for older students that are reading (2nd -5th grade).

   Alternatively, if you just need a traditional spinner for a game, you can definitely use this online interactive one for that as well. 

I hope this activates your creative juices and helps you make a fun interactive activity with your speech and language kiddos. 

Ms. Coyle MS CCC/SLP